Virgin pulse app member login

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Monthly rollup: (500 monthly) Take 10,000 steps 20 days in a month (can backfill days you forget to enter data).140 points: Take at least 14,000 steps each day (considered a “track your healthy habits”).These can be “retro-assigned” if you miss a dayĭo these once per day, if you miss a day you can “make it up” or catch up later. Quarterly rollup: (50 quarterly) Complete a Journey.Monthly rollup: (500 monthly) Complete 20 Whil sessions in a month.Monthly rollup: (250 monthly) Complete 10 Whil sessions in a month.Weekly rollup: (50 weekly) Complete a Whil program.Monthly rollup: (200 monthly) Complete 20 daily cards in a month (requires sign in at least 10 days, two cards each day).If not completed every day, cannot “make it up” later Cannot catch up laterĭo this once per day, every day. The encouragement might take the form of “IF you gain a certain number of points, THEN you’ll have a reduced health insurance premium or copay.” If you are one of the folks who are being encouraged to use Virgin Pulse, you’ve come to the right place! This page will help you maximize your Virgin Pulse points! Here’s a few activities you’ll have to engage with. Many of us are “encouraged” to use Virgin Pulse by our employers.

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